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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / educate / scrabl39.zip / OSPD3.NEW < prev    next >
Text File  |  1996-02-11  |  12KB  |  1,273 lines

  1. ab
  2. abelia
  3. abelias
  4. abs
  5. acrolect
  6. acrolects
  7. actressy
  8. adsorber
  9. adsorbers
  10. adzuki
  11. adzukis
  12. agenting
  13. agentings
  14. airhole
  15. airholes
  16. airpower
  17. airpowers
  18. aisleway
  19. aisleways
  20. alkoxide
  21. alkoxides
  22. allee
  23. allees
  24. amaretti
  25. amberina
  26. amberinas
  27. amici
  28. amicus
  29. amosite
  30. amosites
  31. anaphor
  32. anaphors
  33. antbear
  34. antbears
  35. antiair
  36. antidrug
  37. antiflu
  38. antifur
  39. antilock
  40. antiporn
  41. antirock
  42. aprotic
  43. arabica
  44. arabicas
  45. arkosic
  46. asana
  47. asanas
  48. ashfall
  49. ashfalls
  50. astilbe
  51. astilbes
  52. atactic
  53. atemoya
  54. atemoyas
  55. atomiser
  56. atomisers
  57. att
  58. attaboy
  59. audial
  60. autistics
  61. autolyse
  62. autolysed
  63. autolyses
  64. autolysing
  65. avant
  66. axion
  67. axions
  68. backdropped
  69. backdropping
  70. backfit
  71. backfits
  72. backfitted
  73. backfitting
  74. backflow
  75. backflows
  76. backland
  77. backlands
  78. backroom
  79. bacterias
  80. baghouse
  81. baghouses
  82. banjax
  83. banjaxed
  84. banjaxes
  85. banjaxing
  86. bankerly
  87. bannered
  88. bannering
  89. banteng
  90. bantengs
  91. bap
  92. baps
  93. basinful
  94. basinfuls
  95. basmati
  96. basmatis
  97. bayman
  98. baymen
  99. beaucoup
  100. bedu
  101. beelined
  102. beelining
  103. beeyard
  104. beeyards
  105. beglamor
  106. beglamored
  107. beglamoring
  108. beglamors
  109. bejeezus
  110. belter
  111. belters
  112. berberis
  113. berberises
  114. bharal
  115. bharals
  116. bigs
  117. binger
  118. bingers
  119. biochip
  120. biochips
  121. biopic
  122. biopics
  123. biopsied
  124. biopsying
  125. biphasic
  126. birdsong
  127. birdsongs
  128. bizzes
  129. blowdown
  130. blowdowns
  131. blub
  132. blubbed
  133. blubbing
  134. blubs
  135. bludger
  136. bludgers
  137. bluetick
  138. blueticks
  139. boatful
  140. boatfuls
  141. boatlike
  142. bodhran
  143. bodhrans
  144. bolds
  145. boogey
  146. boogeyed
  147. boogeying
  148. boogeys
  149. bookable
  150. bootable
  151. bopeep
  152. bopeeps
  153. bready
  154. bro
  155. broking
  156. brokings
  157. brookie
  158. brookies
  159. bros
  160. browed
  161. bulimics
  162. bungee
  163. bungees
  164. buppie
  165. buppies
  166. bushpig
  167. bushpigs
  168. busload
  169. busloads
  170. bustline
  171. bustlines
  172. bute
  173. caff
  174. caffs
  175. calo
  176. calotype
  177. calotypes
  178. canola
  179. carbo
  180. carbos
  181. carr
  182. carrs
  183. cartoony
  184. castable
  185. catclaw
  186. catclaws
  187. catfight
  188. catfights
  189. cel
  190. cels
  191. chainsaw
  192. chainsawed
  193. chainsawing
  194. chainsaws
  195. chappati
  196. chappatis
  197. cheliped
  198. chelipeds
  199. chippier
  200. chippiest
  201. chook
  202. chooks
  203. citrusy
  204. clade
  205. clades
  206. cladist
  207. cladists
  208. clawlike
  209. clitic
  210. clitics
  211. clogger
  212. cloggers
  213. clubbish
  214. clueless
  215. coanchor
  216. coanchored
  217. coanchoring
  218. coanchors
  219. cocoyam
  220. cocoyams
  221. cokehead
  222. cokeheads
  223. collider
  224. colliders
  225. colorize
  226. colorized
  227. colorizes
  228. colorizing
  229. colorman
  230. colormen
  231. comember
  232. comembers
  233. confit
  234. confits
  235. cooktop
  236. cooktops
  237. cooldown
  238. cooldowns
  239. cooter
  240. cooters
  241. cornpone
  242. cornpones
  243. coronate
  244. coronated
  245. coronates
  246. coronating
  247. coruler
  248. corulers
  249. cottered
  250. coulis
  251. coulises
  252. crankish
  253. creolise
  254. creolised
  255. creolises
  256. creolising
  257. creolize
  258. creolized
  259. creolizes
  260. creolizing
  261. crewmate
  262. crewmates
  263. cuddler
  264. cuddlers
  265. cultlike
  266. curated
  267. curating
  268. custardy
  269. cytokine
  270. cytokines
  271. deadlift
  272. deadlifted
  273. deadlifting
  274. deadlifts
  275. debeak
  276. debeaked
  277. debeaking
  278. debeaks
  279. debugger
  280. debuggers
  281. decisioned
  282. decisioning
  283. deerlike
  284. deflater
  285. deflaters
  286. defund
  287. defunded
  288. defunding
  289. defunds
  290. deixis
  291. deixises
  292. delphic
  293. dentiled
  294. deontic
  295. deoxy
  296. derate
  297. derated
  298. derates
  299. derating
  300. desoxy
  301. dewormer
  302. dewormers
  303. dinger
  304. dingers
  305. dinitro
  306. dioecies
  307. dioecy
  308. dioxan
  309. dioxans
  310. dipnet
  311. dipnets
  312. dipnetted
  313. dipnetting
  314. dirtbag
  315. dirtbags
  316. dis
  317. diss
  318. dissed
  319. disses
  320. dissing
  321. ditz
  322. ditzes
  323. dogsledded
  324. dogsledding
  325. donniker
  326. donnikers
  327. doofus
  328. doofuses
  329. doomily
  330. doomy
  331. dopehead
  332. dopeheads
  333. downland
  334. downlands
  335. downlink
  336. downlinks
  337. downpipe
  338. downpipes
  339. dramedies
  340. dramedy
  341. drystone
  342. ductwork
  343. ductworks
  344. duked
  345. duking
  346. dumbcane
  347. dumbcanes
  348. dweeb
  349. dweebs
  350. dynein
  351. echelle
  352. echelles
  353. echos
  354. econobox
  355. econoboxes
  356. ed
  357. eglomise
  358. eiswein
  359. eisweins
  360. eldress
  361. eldresses
  362. emf
  363. emfs
  364. enoki
  365. enokis
  366. epitope
  367. epitopes
  368. equid
  369. equids
  370. ergative
  371. etouffee
  372. etouffees
  373. expat
  374. expats
  375. eyebar
  376. eyebars
  377. eyedrops
  378. eyewear
  379. factoid
  380. factoids
  381. fallaway
  382. fallaways
  383. fancified
  384. fancifies
  385. fancify
  386. fancifying
  387. farmwife
  388. farmwives
  389. farmwork
  390. farmworks
  391. farside
  392. farsides
  393. fatwa
  394. fatwas
  395. fatwood
  396. fatwoods
  397. fava
  398. favas
  399. fave
  400. favella
  401. favellas
  402. faves
  403. feijoa
  404. feijoas
  405. feltlike
  406. fenland
  407. fenlands
  408. fiddly
  409. fiftyish
  410. filmable
  411. fireable
  412. fireback
  413. firebacks
  414. firelit
  415. firepot
  416. firepots
  417. flakey
  418. flatmate
  419. flatmates
  420. flippy
  421. florals
  422. fluxgate
  423. fluxgates
  424. focaccia
  425. focaccias
  426. folklife
  427. folklives
  428. foodways
  429. formwork
  430. formworks
  431. fortyish
  432. fossas
  433. fouette
  434. fouettes
  435. foxhunt
  436. foxhunted
  437. foxhunting
  438. foxhunts
  439. frass
  440. frasses
  441. funner
  442. funnest
  443. fusilli
  444. fusillis
  445. gagaku
  446. gagakus
  447. gaijin
  448. gamers
  449. gamesman
  450. gamesmen
  451. ganache
  452. ganaches
  453. gassily
  454. gawper
  455. gawpers
  456. gazania
  457. gazanias
  458. gazar
  459. gazars
  460. geez
  461. gen
  462. gentoo
  463. gentoos
  464. gharial
  465. gharials
  466. ghoulie
  467. ghoulies
  468. gigabyte
  469. gigabytes
  470. gimmes
  471. gits
  472. gittin
  473. glasnost
  474. glasnosts
  475. gleyed
  476. gleying
  477. gleyings
  478. glucan
  479. glucans
  480. goalward
  481. godet
  482. godets
  483. gollywog
  484. gollywogs
  485. granddam
  486. granddams
  487. grandkid
  488. grandkids
  489. granita
  490. granitas
  491. gratineed
  492. gratineeing
  493. gratinees
  494. gravlaks
  495. gravlax
  496. greenway
  497. greenways
  498. gridlocked
  499. gridlocking
  500. grinch
  501. grinches
  502. gripman
  503. gripmen
  504. growthier
  505. growthiest
  506. growthy
  507. gueridon
  508. gueridons
  509. gunite
  510. gunites
  511. guyline
  512. guylines
  513. gyrase
  514. gyrases
  515. hadith
  516. hadiths
  517. halma
  518. halmas
  519. handbell
  520. handbells
  521. handheld
  522. handhelds
  523. handover
  524. handovers
  525. hangul
  526. hanguls
  527. haniwa
  528. hawkeyed
  529. helo
  530. helos
  531. herstories
  532. herstory
  533. highspot
  534. highspots
  535. hissies
  536. hissy
  537. hobbit
  538. hobbits
  539. homeboy
  540. homeboys
  541. homeobox
  542. homeoboxes
  543. homeotic
  544. homeport
  545. homeported
  546. homeporting
  547. homeports
  548. hoodier
  549. hoodiest
  550. hoody
  551. hooved
  552. hoppier
  553. hoppiest
  554. hoppings
  555. hoppy
  556. hosepipe
  557. hosepipes
  558. hostelled
  559. hostelling
  560. humvee
  561. humvees
  562. hungover
  563. hunkier
  564. hunkiest
  565. iff
  566. ikat
  567. ikats
  568. imagings
  569. incenter
  570. incenters
  571. infall
  572. infalls
  573. inhibin
  574. inhibins
  575. inkstone
  576. inkstones
  577. invar
  578. invars
  579. iodise
  580. iodised
  581. iodises
  582. iodising
  583. iroko
  584. irokos
  585. itemise
  586. itemised
  587. itemises
  588. itemising
  589. jammier
  590. jammies
  591. jammiest
  592. jammy
  593. janglier
  594. jangliest
  595. jangly
  596. jarhead
  597. jarheads
  598. jetlike
  599. jivey
  600. jivier
  601. jiviest
  602. jokily
  603. jokiness
  604. jokinesses
  605. jungled
  606. juried
  607. jurying
  608. kakiemon
  609. kakiemons
  610. kanban
  611. kanbans
  612. karaoke
  613. karaokes
  614. kata
  615. katas
  616. keffiyeh
  617. keffiyehs
  618. kelim
  619. kelims
  620. kermesse
  621. kibbi
  622. kibbis
  623. kibbitz
  624. kibbitzed
  625. kibbitzes
  626. kibbitzing
  627. kilobase
  628. kilobases
  629. kneesock
  630. kneesocks
  631. koi
  632. korai
  633. kore
  634. kouprey
  635. koupreys
  636. kouroi
  637. kouros
  638. kvetchier
  639. kvetchiest
  640. kvetchy
  641. kybosh
  642. kyboshed
  643. kyboshes
  644. kyboshing
  645. laari
  646. lakelike
  647. lambier
  648. lambiest
  649. lamby
  650. landgrab
  651. landgrabs
  652. landline
  653. landlines
  654. laneway
  655. laneways
  656. lechwe
  657. lechwes
  658. lenition
  659. lenitions
  660. lensman
  661. lensmen
  662. liri
  663. listee
  664. listees
  665. lite
  666. lithified
  667. lithifies
  668. lithify
  669. lithifying
  670. lochan
  671. lochans
  672. lockdown
  673. lockdowns
  674. loftlike
  675. lotte
  676. lottes
  677. lowlight
  678. lowlights
  679. luger
  680. lugers
  681. luminism
  682. luminisms
  683. lungful
  684. lungfuls
  685. lutefisk
  686. lutefisks
  687. lutz
  688. lutzes
  689. macumba
  690. macumbas
  691. majorly
  692. makeover
  693. makeovers
  694. marocain
  695. marocains
  696. matelot
  697. matelots
  698. max
  699. maxes
  700. meated
  701. meerkat
  702. meerkats
  703. megacities
  704. megacity
  705. megadeal
  706. megadeals
  707. megahit
  708. megahits
  709. megastar
  710. megastars
  711. memorise
  712. memorised
  713. memorises
  714. memorising
  715. meze
  716. mezes
  717. micros
  718. midsized
  719. midsole
  720. midsoles
  721. minicamp
  722. minicamps
  723. minilab
  724. minilabs
  725. minimill
  726. minimills
  727. missable
  728. moaner
  729. moaners
  730. mobled
  731. moc
  732. mocs
  733. moggie
  734. moggies
  735. moggy
  736. moneran
  737. monerans
  738. moneyman
  739. moneymen
  740. monohull
  741. monohulls
  742. moondust
  743. moondusts
  744. morgan
  745. morgans
  746. moussed
  747. moussing
  748. mudflat
  749. mudflats
  750. muni
  751. munis
  752. mythier
  753. mythiest
  754. mythy
  755. naan
  756. naans
  757. nada
  758. nadas
  759. nan
  760. nandina
  761. nandinas
  762. nans
  763. nearside
  764. nearsides
  765. nebbishy
  766. nerdier
  767. nerdiest
  768. nerdish
  769. niobate
  770. niobates
  771. nippled
  772. nite
  773. niterie
  774. nites
  775. nitpickier
  776. nitpickiest
  777. nitpicky
  778. noir
  779. noirish
  780. noirs
  781. nonbanks
  782. noncola
  783. nonguest
  784. nonguests
  785. nonlabor
  786. nonmetro
  787. nonoily
  788. nonpaid
  789. nonpoint
  790. nonstyle
  791. nonstyles
  792. nonwar
  793. nonwars
  794. nonwork
  795. nori
  796. noris
  797. normande
  798. noticer
  799. noticers
  800. nouvelle
  801. nutcase
  802. nutcases
  803. objet
  804. objets
  805. oculi
  806. oculus
  807. offcut
  808. offcuts
  809. oniony
  810. onstream
  811. opencast
  812. orthoses
  813. orthosis
  814. osmole
  815. osmoles
  816. outbought
  817. outbuy
  818. outbuying
  819. outbuys
  820. outpower
  821. outpowered
  822. outpowering
  823. outpowers
  824. outslick
  825. outslicked
  826. outslicking
  827. outslicks
  828. overaged
  829. overcut
  830. overcuts
  831. overcutting
  832. overdog
  833. overdogs
  834. ozonate
  835. ozonated
  836. ozonates
  837. ozonating
  838. pablum
  839. pablums
  840. pakeha
  841. pakehas
  842. pancetta
  843. pancettas
  844. pareo
  845. pareos
  846. parsleyed
  847. parslied
  848. parvo
  849. parvos
  850. pastless
  851. pavlova
  852. pavlovas
  853. pec
  854. pedalo
  855. pedalos
  856. penne
  857. peruked
  858. pestier
  859. pestiest
  860. pesty
  861. piglike
  862. piki
  863. pikis
  864. pinwheeled
  865. pinwheeling
  866. piquance
  867. piquances
  868. piso
  869. pisos
  870. plotline
  871. plotlines
  872. plumeria
  873. plumerias
  874. poisha
  875. polynyi
  876. pornie